Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Trivilizing Impeachment For Fun and Profit

NORQUIST Obama can sit there and let all the tax [cuts] lapse, and then the Republicans will have enough votes in the Senate in 2014 to impeach. The last year, he’s gone into this huddle where he does everything by executive order. He’s made no effort to work with Congress.


  Amanda Marcotte

 I'd say that we're better off assuming that Republicans feel that it's always an option they're eager to take when an "illegitimate", i.e. Democratic, President is in the White House. That his race and family background causes conservatives to panic only makes the whole situation worse.  Republicans simply believe the White House belongs to them, and one party should hold it in perpetuity.


More on this later

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How To Waste Your Vote In 2012

 Bruce A. Dixon

"The gap, however, between this legal, this symbolic power of the vote and any real ability to change things for the better is a vast one. The authorities rightly fear the people's voice, and so have contrived law and custom to ensure that we are seldom heard and almost never heeded."

 How To Waste Your Vote In 2012

Fracas In Florida

With the Florida primaries fast upon us both Willard Romney and Newton Leroy Gingrich all pulling out all the stops. The T.V. Ads are brutal. I pity the poor residents of the Sunshine state because both candidates are bringing on the gloom and doom.

Romney stopped hitting the snooze button and finally bashed the panic button for all its worth. Getting creamed in S.C. can do that to a Republican front-runner. With an new debate coach in hand, the Mighty Mormon came out swinging and rained down blows on the Baron of Bloat. By the end of the debate Newt was staggering around stage, and asking any passer-by if they got the license number of the Mack truck that just ran him over.

After that last debate, many a pundit was declaiming that Newt was “dead.” Such short memories this pundit class. Newt has all the staying power of Dracula in those late 60’s Hammer Film Productions staring Christopher Lee. Drive any amount of steaks into the vampire’s chest, it does no good; he keeps coming back.

God knows the good villagers of the Republican Party elite brought enough crosses, garlic, and enough wood to build a small mansion; all with the intent of making sure Count Newt went down, and stayed down. The powers that be even had Chris Christy attempt to sit on Gingrich, hoping the NJ governor’s shear heft would crush Newt . Still, who knows, it is really hard to kill Newt; because like Spock, he’s been dead before.

Newt died a very ugly political death in the 90’s. Having been played like a five dollar banjo by Bill Clinton, Newt was tossed out on spotted behind by his own Republican caucus. The Republicans had him dead to rights with a ethics violation, and the Democrats will more than willing to toast marshmallows on the flaming bier the House Republicans had built for Gingrich.

All through the late nineties, and the turn of the new millennium, Newt waited; biding his time. He got filthy rich via his “history lessons” to numerous clients, and waited for his main chance. The main chance came this year, when the next guy up for nomination was Mitt Romney. Mitt was so weak that Newt, who started campaigning as way to remind us of who he was (and sell books) became a legitimate possibility for office.

Let me rephrase that, Newt became “legitimate” because he was the last anti-Romney left standing. Santorum had his hiccup in Iowa, but only Newt had the real chance in S.C. Newt, knowing that S.C. Was do or die, dusted off every odd dog-whistle in his collection, and blew each and every one for maximum effect.

Which brings us back to Florida. It is desperation time for both Newt and Mr. Ice. If too cool for school Romney looses Florida, he is in real trouble. His coterie of Establishment  Republicans are going to bail; draft Jeb Bush anyone?A FL victory for Mr. Gingrich turns Mitt from Mr. Inevitable to the Anybody but Newt candidate. Mitt is not very convincing in that roll.

While Republicans are freaking out on the prospect of candidate Gingrich as their standard bearer, what should be their concern is the systemic rot that Newt represents. I am talking about more than just the odd corruption that pay-to-play brings to the table.  I am talking about a more profound rot, a cynical, corrupt, and lazy ideology fueled by hate and bitterness. It is a deeply selfish philosophy, resentful of any attempt to invoke a common cause, a common goal, or even common decency. It is all about my way or the highway, about the domination; the obliteration of anyone who does not look like you or agree with you.

Newt is the logically conclusion to a Republican orthodoxy that only fools, ideologues and cynics can support. Gingrich plugs into the resentful reptile brain of the Republican base. He pugs into the crypto racism, the sexual phobia, the misogyny, the immigrant bashing and patriarchy that are part and parcel of wingnut America. It is ugly stuff, no wonder the elites recoil at the sight of it.

Like it or not, Newton Leroy Gingrich is not the end of this ugliness. This is a systemic problem. Gingrich and the TEA Party are just the same old wine of resentment poured in a new bottle. Even if Gingrich ends in Florida, his legacy will continue. Sooner or later the monster the Republicans built deep in the heart of DIxie will claim its own.

You Knew This Was Coming.


The last time Herman Cain made a presidential endorsement, he backed “the people”, part of his promise to make an “unconventional endorsement” after ending his own campaign for president.
With days to go until the Jan. 31 Florida primary vote, however, Cain chose to make a more traditional endorsement speech. At a Republican event in Palm Beach, FL Saturday night, Cain put his weight behind Gingrich.
“I had it in my heart and mind a long time,” Cain said of his endorsement, appearing with Gingrich at a Republican fundraiser. “Speaker Gingrich is a patriot. Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas.”
Looks like Newt has the philandering husband demographic all sewn up now that the Herminator has given the former Speaker Of The House the nod.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Growing elite opposition to strike on Iran

Asia Times Online :

We're doing this terrible thing all over again," wrote Leslie Gelb, the president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, the think-tank that publishes Foreign Affairs, in the Daily Beast, in an appeal for senate hearings on the implications of war with Iran.

"As before, we're letting a bunch of ignorant, sloppy-thinking politicians and politicized foreign-policy experts draw 'red line' ultimatums. As before, we're letting them quick-march us off to war," warned Gelb, a repentant Iraq-war hawk, about the chorus of neo-conservatives and other hawks with whom he had previously been aligned.

Bad Dog! Worse Cop.

Police officers may be liable on claims that they let a police dog attack an unresisting suspecting for five to seven minutes, a federal judge ruled.


Another day, another report about sadistic cops.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How wrong can one man be?

"The fact of the matter is, I think people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South."

-- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), quoted by the Philadelphia inquirer, arguing that gay marriage should be decided by voters in a ballot referendum.


Um, genius, basic human rights are not up for a vote. And you might read a few history books on the Civil Right movement while your at it. African-Americans put their lives on the line because the ballot box was closed to them. Jim Crow was not going to end via the ballot box big guy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ding-Dong Ditch: Dumb


Former Bronx prosecutor Bernadette Greenwald, 37, has been criminally charged after she pulled a gun on a teen and fired a shot in anger over teenagers ringing her door bell in the “ding-dong ditch” game. Police say that Greenwald fired her pink 9mm handgun to show the teen she had (in her words) “balls.” Greenwald practices under her maiden name, Bernadette Nicchia.


Congratulations councilor, you proved that women can be every bit as stooopid as men. Balls indeed.

Cops Still Face Claims of Beating Kids at Parade

Courthouse News Service

(CN) - Police officers may be liable for using their batons to hit children who stepped into the street during a parade to hug marching family members, the D.C. Circuit ruled.

Roger Rudder, Rosena Rudder, Noverlene Goss, and two juveniles say they suffered injuries from their interaction with police at the 2008 Caribbean Carnival Parade in Washington, D.C. While watching the festivities, the group allegedly spotted family members in the parade march. But when they stepped into the street for a hug, Officer William Chatman allegedly told them to return to the sidewalk.

Though the group tried to comply, Chatman then shoved Rosena Rudder and Officer Shannon Williams used her baton on the two children, ages 5 and 15, according to the lawsuit.

In addition to claiming that Williams struck two children without provocation, "the complaint also alleges Officer Williams beat plaintiff Goss with her baton after Ms. Goss called out to the officer in response to Officer Williams' use of force against the child," the Jan. 17 decision states. "A person who responds verbally to a police officer assaulting a child hardly invites violence against herself."


Well thanks judge, thanks for pointing out the blindingly obvious.
Chatman may have also violated the plaintiffs' Fourth Amendment rights, the court found.

No! Really? Who would of guessed?
"Unlike pushing an arrestee against a wall and pulling his arm behind his back, beating a suspect to the ground with a baton exceeds in violence anything 'we would expect in the course of a routine arrest,'" Ginsberg wrote, citing precedent.


Well Judge Ginsberg, I'm so glad you pointed that out because I might have not figured that out without your brilliant assist.

Wait, he's still alive?!

Castro lambasts US Republican primary as idiotic

Fidel Castro lambasted the Republican presidential race as the greatest competition of "idiocy and ignorance" the world has ever seen in a column published Wednesday, and also took shots at the news media and foreign governments for seizing on the death of a Cuban prisoner to demand greater respect for human rights.

Castro's comments came in a long opinion piece carried by official media two days after Republican presidential hopefuls at a debate in Florida presented mostly hard-line stances on what to do about the Communist-run island, and even speculated as to what would happen to the 85-year-old revolutionary leader's soul when he dies.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2012/01/25/international/i083830S42.DTL#ixzz1kUvr28RY

Public sours on Romney in January - Behind the Numbers

The Washington Post

The number of Americans with negative views of Mitt Romney has spiked in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, compounding the former Massachusetts governor’s challenges as he tries to rally from Saturday’s big loss in South Carolina.
Among independents, Romney’s unfavorable rating now tops 50 percent — albeit by a single point — a first in Post-ABC polling back to 2006. Just two weeks ago, more independents had favorable than unfavorable views of Romney; now, it’s 2 to 1 negative.

Not good Willard, not good at all.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pro-Gaddafi fighters retake Bani Walid

Al Jazeera English

Loyalists of Libya's ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi have seized control of the town of Bani Walid, raising the former government's green flag, an official and a commander have said.

The retaking of the town, 150km southeast of Tripoli, the capital, comes as Libya's new leaders have struggled to unify the oil-rich North African nation three months after Gaddafi was captured and killed.

Hundreds of well-equipped and highly trained remnants of Gaddafi's forces raised the flag over buildings in the western city late on Monday after hours of clashes, said Mubarak al-Fatamni, the head of Bani Walid's local council.


Great, just freaking wonderful. Boots on the ground anyone? France? Italy? The UK? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Robert Reich (Who is Sheldon Adelson and What Has Newt Promised Him?)

Robert Reich (Who is Sheldon Adelson and What Has Newt Promised Him?)

Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire casino owner, is now the poster boy for what’s terribly wrong with our campaign-finance system. Adelson, you may recall, had, before the South Carolina Republican primary, donated $5 million to the pro-Gingrich Super Pac “Winning Our Future” – giving Newt a pile of money for negative advertising against Mitt Romney in South Carolina.

Wingnut Obsessions Distilled In A Light Bulb.

Why the light bulb obsession?

Amanda Marcotte

What makes the lightbulb thing the bestest of current wingnut obsessions is that it's a perfect summation of what makes up the modern wingnut. Should you need to craft a future panic to gin up a bunch of wingnuts, I suggest carefully studying this list, because it's a pretty great blueprint.

1) Bullshit. This is one of the most important aspects. For some reason, they can't get quite as whipped up over something that's true. In some cases, that's beause reality is boring, but clearly that doesn't explain all of it, because even if their claim was true---that the government is banning incandescent light bulbs---that would still be roughly the stupidest thing to get upset about, possibly ever. No, I believe they get more excited over lies than the truth is that believing something that's not true makes them feel like they're in a secret, special club. That other people disagree with them because of our tedious adherence to facts and reality increases their sense of specialness. It also helps feed their sense of victimization. They're oppressed by the facts and all those stupid liberal fascists who insist on them. Because of all this, bullshit is way more interesting to the average wingnut than facts. 

2) Pettiness. What's weird is that even if it were true, and the entire country was being forced to move to CFLs for daily use, the rational response would be, "So what?" The wailing from wingnuts on this is that CFLs are "ugly", but what's interesting about this is that they're really not. I have nothing but CFLs in my house, and they work great. You could probably even do some empirical research showing that your ordinary American can't tell the difference between a new incandescent and new CFL. They flicker a bit more when being turned on, and that's it. Small price to pay to reduce our nation's energy usage and forstall global warming, right? But pettiness is where wingnuts find their home. They love turning a molehill into a mountain, because that means that every time they flip on a light, they can burn with rage at the evil liberals who are controlling their lives through light bulbs.

3) Selfishness. They really do find it mildly arousing to say, "Screw the planet, I like my light bulbs the way they are." Sure, they rationalize this by pretending not to believe in global warming, but feigned disbelief is just an extension of the larger selfishness problem.

4) Near-psychotic fear of change. They like the world the way it is, and any change is taken as a personal affront, no matter how inconsequential to their personal comfort.

5) Paranoia. This goes back to pettiness. They love to sweat the small stuff, because it makes the grand conspiracy of liberal fascism they believe in seem omnipresent. This is why wingnuts in the past got so attached to fears about fluoride in the drinking water, and now are crapping their pants over fears of mandatory CFLs. They like to feel that the Illlumnati even have their fingers in how you light a room. 
But most importantly of all:

6) It pisses off the liberals. It honestly should. This petty, selfish, idiotic, childish, paranoid behavior should piss off anyone with an ounce of decency. But what's funny is that they've been crying wolf so long that it fails to anger anymore, and instead causes mockery. I mean, they're willing to act like paranoid idiots just to get a rise out of us. Don't they have anything better to do with their time? Get a hobby, like replacing all your incandescent light bulbs with CFLs, and then starting a photoblog showing how nice the light is. But Wingnut America is so committed to the "pissing off the liberals" mentality that they'll try to pretend the peals of laughter aimed in their direction are wails of anger. It's sad, really. 


Perfection, thy name is Amanda Marcotte 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pole Dancing.

This blog gets around. No, really, it catches on in the oddest places. Somehow, without a single word published in Polish, or any other language other than very SAD English, we managed to catch the love of a Mr. Anonymous from Poland. He seems so eager to share his wisdom and some links that must absolutely pertinent to the subject at hand; it seems a pity to consign them to the Spam can. Keep those comments coming and Pocałuj mnie w dupe* Mr. Anonymous.

* http://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Polish

Newt Gingrich, The Distillation of The Modern Republican Party

The March to Mittdom, as Lee Papa calls it has been halted. What was always a dreary trudge toward the crowning of Willard Romney got ambushed in the swamps of South Carolina. It was not even close as the Magic Underwear Man got beaten like a rented mule. The base’s favorite amphibian got forty percent of the vote, while Willard returned to the pre-New Hampshire doldrums of one out of four.

One reason for the rise of Newt has to be that the clown circus of the debates were restarted. While Rick Perry gets a well earned rap for poor debate performances, Mitt is having issues in this area too. Mitt has played defense perfectly. No unforced errors, no oops from Mr. Ice. But, there is no passion, no red meat for the base either. What is worse, is that Mittens has had more than few deer in the headlight moments when his circuit boards shorted. The pander chip failed when Robo-Romney could not figure where to fling the unctuous nonsense. “How to play the voting ex-con talking point? Computer engage! Engage!! Must find the right talking point! Danger! Process failure ... illegal protocol ... reboot ... reboot!!”

Meanwhile, Newt was in his element. God how that sleazy, nasty, piece of work knows how to toss red meat to the Dixie base. If you can get over how god-awful the whole cynical process is, you can almost admire the shear, vicious brutality that Newt appeals to.  Man, he has that Reptile Brain of base dialed in and hard-wired for maximum effect. Be warned, were are about get deep, dark, and dirty on this subject.

Put on your hazmat suites and make sure all openings are taped up snug. Check your respirator seals for proper fit. Recheck those rubber gloves for pin-hole leaks gentle reader. We are about to wade in the toxic super-fund site that is the modern Republican Party for a look-see. We are visiting the very heart of darkness; make sure your papers are in order.

What was amazing about Newt’s South Carolina debate performance is how he performed an astounding act of political jujitsu. Face with the fury of a scorned wife, he was able to flip that charging beast without breaking a sweat. In less than five minutes he delivered master class in pure cynical political opportunism. A lesser politician would have had major difficulty if a former wife came at him with the type of scandal that Marianne Gingrich, wife number two, brought up from the depths of that failed marriage. But Newt hit that baby right out of the park. He shredded the moderator for even bring the subject up; which had the partisan crowd roaring with delight. After beating up the host, and by implication the entire Corporate Media, for their grubby, unwarranted attempt at Lese Majesty, Newton then pivoted for the extra bonus round of blatant misogyny.

If you can somehow deactivate your innate sense of moral outrage, you could then admire how well Gingrich played that crowd for the last gram of resentment and white male privilege. No one does the reprehensible, sleazy, cynical, politics of resentment quite like Newton Leroy Gingrich. It helped that Newt was fully engaged in a little bit of pay-back to Mittens, for the whack job Multiple Choice Mitt’s Super Pac did on Newt in Iowa, plus New Hampshire.

South Carolina was the perfect place for Newt to scuff up Mitt’s perfect hair. Newt knows these voters. He knows the dog whistles that brings them running. Like it or not, he is the real face of the Republican base in all its splendor.

Let me deconstruct that, let’s go a little deeper, into the very center of the toxic heart of the Modern Republican Party. Let’ go to the very radioactive center of the Elephant homeland. It begins and ends with two core items; the liberation (if poorly realized) of African Americans, and the liberation (again, if poorly realized) of women. More bluntly put, a lot of people are well and truly angered by the fact that both blacks and sex have slipped their chains. Ever since Nixon we have seen political blow-back, reaction, to civil rights and feminism.

This reaction is strongest in the south, in the beating heart of Dixie. In the rural, white, south, evangelicals went ballistic, and got political, when the sexual and civil rights revolutions blasted their little slice of heaven to smithereens. The twin pillars of Patriarchy and Privilege where shaken to their core; some one had to pay for that.

It was Richard Nixon, a master of the politics of resentment, that saw the opportunity. It was he who really got the southern strategy rolling. But lets be brutally honest. The south was not just Dixie. We are talking about not only a geographic idea, but a social reality.  Dixie extends far past the old Confederacy, deep into the fly-over states, with outliers as forward deployed as Orange County, California. Best described by the the trinity of guns, God, and guts, its anchors are a deep bigotry, and an even deeper patriarchy. Peel  back the patina provided by the AIE, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover institute and other forms of wingnut welfare, and much Republican philosophy can be distilled to sticking it to the uppity blacks and the wonton sluts. The twin evils of the Republican mind set are femininity and non-white pigmentation; in no particular order.

Getting back to dark prince of dog-whistles, Newt. Mr. Gingrich knows how to really dive deep, dark and dirty into the fetid cesspools of bigotry and misogyny. He provided a master class in bigotry dog-whistles when he teed up against Juan Williams. That no one in that debate audience had any problem sucking down that radio-active bigotry that Newt was serving up; that they treated it like mana from heaven tells you much about the state of the Republican base in 2012. They loved it when the old, nasty white man put the uppity black guy in his place; God, how they cheered.

And as pointed out earlier, Newt also knows how to play the Misogyny card to perfection as well. It helps that the man is world class cad and male chauvinist pig. He has that contempt for women thing nailed down seven ways to Sunday. It is one of the few genuine bits of his inner being he allows to be seen. As this contempt nicely dove-tails with the base’s same feeling, it is not much of a problem for Newt--at least with right-wing Republicans. It is also not as much of a problem with woman voters as one suspects. As the anti-suffragettes, the Anita Bryant crowd, and the female supporters of Sara Palin prove, there is always a minority to a plurality of woman more than happy to keep the rest of the female gender in chains. Of course, outside the hermetically sealed confines of the TEA Party right, this level of misogyny is a bit of stretch.

But this missive is not about the supine left, or the muddled middle, it is about the rabid, reactionary right. The entire Republican Primary process, and especially the debate process, has made it crystal clear how deep down the Elephants have gone into the rabbit hole of reaction and resentment. The self-nominated partisans of the leading edge of the party have shown their colors at every opportunity in every audience in these debates. They are cruel, vicious, uncaring, mean --and proud of it. They are a cohort driven by their hatreds: their hatred for minorities, their hatred for the poor, their hatred for sex, their hatred for women, their hatred for secular society. Left behind by a modern society that no longer honors white, male privilege, nor its religiously fundamentalist underpinnings, their fondest wish is to reinstate the old order when theocracy was the order of the day. They would gladly reset the nation to not only before Griswold but to before Brown; reestablishing both Ozzy and Harriet conformity and Jim Crow. They want their lilly-white world back, and don’t give a damn who get hurts in the process.

This is why Newt will go deep and far in the Republican Primaries. He gets the resentment; hell the man has a few personal scores of his own to settle. His core nastiness, his bent and deeply soiled soul, is in simpatico with much of the Republican base. The man wants to get even, so does much of the Republican base. The base wants to fold modernity seven ways and do some very painful things with it to their fellow citizens. Gingrich is a little more focused, as he wants to do some very politically painful things to Romney; which is fine with the base because they despise the Mormon Robot almost as much as Newt does. Mittens is an silver-spoon, establishment Republican; and the rural, southern base hates those types of swells on general principle.

I honestly wonder if Romney chose the Republican Party out anything other than filial piety and the very special politics of Massachusetts. The man, quite frankly is a political dinosaur, one of the last of the species of Country Club Republicans who used to rule the political landscape of the North East Corridor.

Those creatures are slowly passing away, being replaced in their former habitat by blue-collar bruisers like Chris Christie. In the south, the Patrician Republicans never found a home, and were replaced by Bourbon Democrat turncoats, who kept their toxic politics while shifting labels. It is exactly the same economic royalists ruling the roost in Dixie, only the name has been changed to protect the guilty. There really is not a dimes worth of difference between the politics of Newton Leroy Gingrich and Lester Maddox. Scratch Gingrich and you still get the scent of sulfur that pervaded Maddox. That is the final bitter truth of the modern Republican Party, and perhaps its epitaph in 2012.