Thursday, September 22, 2011

HPV and vaccination: one blogger’s obsession

HPV and vaccination: one blogger’s obsession

: "I think I'm mildly obsessed with the HPV vaccination and the resistance to it. The whole thing is a perfect storm of important issues for me: science and skepticism, feminism, public health policy, sexual health, religious delusions, the power that folk beliefs have over human choices, emotional vs. rational decision-making, and the ideological conflict between reality-based policy and aspirational policy. (Not that I think that conservative aspirations towards a sexual system where every human being has one other they touch in a sexual way---including hand-holding and kissing---and no more is a good aspiration. It's creepy.) I wish the conflict over this vaccine got more attention from wonky sorts, who I think are mildly wary of the sex thing, because it's really a perfect example of the various forces coming into conflict in our culture."

'via Blog this'

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